ASTM F2338

Leaks Detected-This test method detects package leaksby measuring the rise in pressure (vacuum loss) in an enclosedevacuated test chamber containing the test package. Vacuumloss results from leakage of test package headspace gasesand/or volatilization of test package liquid contents located inor near the leak. When testing for leaks that may be partially orcompletely plugged with the package’s liquid contents, the testchamber is evacuated to a pressure below the liquid’s vapor-ization pressure. All methods require a test chamber to containthe test package and a leak detection system designed with oneor more pressure transducers. Test method sensitivities citedbelow were determined using specific product-package sys-tems selected for the precision and bias studies summarized inTable 1. Table 1 also lists other examples of relevant produet-package systems that can be tested for leakage by vacuumdecay.

